Over the past 10 years, I've had the privilege of watching those once in need grow into strong, self-sufficient individuals, even re- turning to help others. This experience has touched me deeply and fueled my desire to do more. That’s why I founded antNERGY, now recognized as Persatuan Amal Semangat Semut (PASS), to extend our reach, uplift more lives, and continue spreading love and hope to the communities that need it most.
发起人 :赖华芝 Stable Lai

How We Started

To solve social problems through a tech- nology innovation platform and to build a society filled with love, respect, support and happiness.
Assisting 390 orphans, transitioning from social problem to social pillar, with a transformative approach from palm up to palm down.

我们的主题曲 antNERGY

When the darkness arrives,
with nowhere to go,
I see the light comes afar.
I walk these empty streets,
With faith in my heart,
I found a place to belong
Sometimes it’s hard to find,
the strength to keep going on,
When it feels like everything goes wrong,
But deep inside I know, that you’ll be there by my side
And I’ll keep moving on, with Ant-nergy in my soul
I find the love and light,
that I’ve been searching for so long
And I won’t give up, I’ll find my way to believe there’s a home
When the darkness arrives,
with nowhere to go,
I see the light comes afar.
I walk these empty streets,
With faith in my heart,
I found a place to belong
Sometimes it’s hard to find,
the strength to keep going on,
When it feels like everything goes wrong,
But deep inside I know, that hope is growing strong within me
I find the love and light,
that I’ve been searching for so long
And I won’t give up, I’ll find my way to believe there’s a home
(I’ll find my way to believe there’s a home)
We believe this is love
We believe this is light
We hold on together to pay it forward

创作人介绍 Miu萧佳纹
- 2002 李伟松⾳乐教室【东⾳奖】⾳乐创作⽐赛 20强、潜能奖,参赛作品【不简单】
- 2003 砂州动脉之星歌唱⼤赛 10强
- 2003 全国中学合唱团⼤赛 总冠军
- 2010 Astro新秀⼤赛的【歌曲创作⽐赛】 10强作品、新秀季军的单曲,参赛作品【爱有旋律】
- 2011 发⾏创作合辑【Inspiration 灵感】 收录两⾸作品【快说】和【⾳旋】
- 2012 ⻢来西亚【娱协奖】 30位新⼈奖⼊围名单
- 2017 发⾏个⼈单曲【现在的我是谁】
- 2018 签约版权公司PH Music成为【唱作⼈】
- 2019 与Evan婆罗洲之⼦发⾏单曲【Pulai 归】 歌曲带有原住⺠语⾔唱响家乡的思念
- 2020 发⾏个⼈⾸张EP【搜寻】 收录五⾸作品,主打歌为【信念】,其它作品有《G调》,《疼爱》,《都是我的》和《现在的我是谁》
- 2022 参与够⼒⾳乐KO Music发⾏的新年合辑 参与两⾸作品,【春天的旋律】和【春江晚景Leleng】 参与【春江晚景 Leleng】原住⺠语填词部分
- 2022 为【爱⼼扶持节】慈善活动贡献制作主题曲 歌名为【Antnergy】,意思就是蚂蚁的能量